MORNING LECTURES, Cercle Gaulois, Brussels
Cercle Gaulois is at 5 minutes walking distance from the Motel One hotel and in the beautiful park of Brussels with view on the Royal Palace
Day 2- Tuesday, June 6
08:00-08:20am Registration open
08:30-08:45am Welcome by the WFRS President, Diane vom Berg
08:45-09:00am Welcome and recommendations for the week by President of the S.R.N les Amis de la Rose, Frans Thomas
09:00-09:40am " François Crépin (1830-1903) and the botanical roses of the world ", Ivan Hoste, Belgium
09:40-10:20am " Hybrid Musk Roses from Lambert Pemberton to Lens ", Rudy and Anne Velle for Lens roses, Belgium
10:20-10:40am Networking break, meet with some exhibitors
10:40-11:20am " The conservation of Heritage Roses: problems and solutions ", Charles Quest-Ritson, United Kingdom
11:20-12:00pm " A great taxonomist and the world's largest rose- a magical interaction", Viru and Girija Vivararaghavan, India
12:00-12:20pm Conclusions by moderator: Behcet Ciragan, President Gesellschaft Schweizerischer Rosenfreunde, Switzerland
12:20-01:50pm Typical Belgian buffet lunch at Cercle Gaulois
02:00pm Departure by bus for afternoon visits
Day 3- Wednesday, June 7
07:30-09:00am (for those concerned) WFRS Executive Committee meeting (Cercle Gaulois, Salon Royal)
08:30-08:50am Registration open
09:00-09:40am " Historical Roses in the Europa Rosarium Sangenhausen", Hella Brummer and Eilike Vemmer, Germany
09:40-10:20am " Roses in Bhutan", Sushil Prakash, India
10:20-10:40am Networking break, meet with some exhibitors
10:40-11:20am " On the origin of the cultivated roses: DNA authentication of the bourbon rose founding pedigree " Pascal Heitzler, France
11:20-12:00pm FELCO, presentation
12:00-12:20pm Presentation 20th Workd Rose Convention in Japan, Yoshihiro Ueda
12:20-12:40pm Conclusions by moderator: Helga Brichet, WFRS Past President
12:50-01:50pm Light sandwich lunch at Motel One
02:00pm Departure by bus for afternoon visits
Day 4- Thursday, June 8
08:30-08:50am Registration open
08:30-09:10am" Rosedal Juana de Ibarbourou, Mondevideo's historic rose gardens ", Inés Diaz de Licandro, Uruguay
09:10-09:50am " Old Chinese rose, a longtime misunderstood concept in contemporary culture", Eric Chen, China
09:50-10:20am Presentation Sweden Regional WFRS convention 2024
10:20-10:40am Networking break, meet with some exhibitors
10:40-11:20am " A time capsule of roses-Building a future for heritage roses " , Greg Lowery, USA
11:20-12:10pm Panel Discussion , "The what, where, how and coordination of rose conservation" moderated by Helga Brichet
12:10-12:30pm Conclusions by moderator: Brigid Quest-Ritson, UK
12:20-01:50pm Walking lunch at Cercle Gaulois
02:00pm Departure by bus for afternoon visits
07:30-09:30pm (for those concerned) Heritage and Conservation Committee(cercle Gaulois, Salon Royal)
Day 5- Friday, June 9
08:30-08:50am Registration open
09:00-09:40am "André Dupont Rose Herbarium , the story of a discovery ", Vincent Derkenne, France
09:40-10:20am " Thirty years with roses in Sakura and the aim of our rose garden ", Katsuhiko Mebara, Japan
10:20-10:40am Networking break, meet with some exhibitors
10:40-11:20am " Rose social legacy", Lukasz Rojewski, Poland
11:20-12:10pm " In Search of the Lost Heritage of the Rose in Korea ", Wook-Kyun Kim , South Korea
12:10-12:50pm "'Project Rescue - rescuing the heritage rose collection of Aotearoa New Zealand", Murray Radka, New Zealand
12:50-01:10pm Conclusions by Moderator: Rosario Algorta de Carrau , Uruguay
01:30pm Departure by bus with picnic for COLOMA
on registration 08:30pm Closing dinner (dress code: blazer, tie and cocktail dress for ladies)
If you have questions : rosabelgica2023@gmail.com