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The World Federation of Rose Societies is happy to present


The 15th International Heritage Rose Conference


June 5-9, 2023

Brussels, Belgium




        Welcoming message by ​WFRS Immediate Past  President 


Dear Rose Friends,



It is my great pleasure to welcome you all to the 15th International Heritage Rose Conference in my country. The Belgian Royal National Rose Society is more than honoured to host this event under the auspices of the World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS).


The attachment that Belgium has for the Rose goes back to the time of Emperor Charlemagne (the father of Europe) as around the 800's he encouraged the cultivation of the rose in our country and of course at that time only some species were available.


Belgium has a long rose tradition in rose cultivation, Parmentier, Crépin, van Houtte and Lens are famous names that have in the past made Belgium's renown through the world. P.J. Redouté, born in Belgium was certainly the "Raphael" of the rose painters. He was a favorite of Marie-Antoinette and he tutored Empress Josephine. Famous for his water paintings of old rose cultivars he gave a good picture of early rose breeding.


For all rose lovers, our organizing committee is preparing a beautiful event with speakers dedicated to the old rose family and their conservation along with exciting visits and Belgian cultural experience. During the Pre and Post tours, participants will have the opportunity to see more historical places and gardens. I strongly encourage you to visit us in June 2023 for friendship around the roses.


"It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important." (Saint-Exupery)


​With all my rosefull regards,


​Henrianne de Briey

WFRS Immediate Past President











Henrianne de Briey, WFRS Immediate Past President -

181 Avenue du Prince Héritier - 1200 Brussels - Belgium






Dear Rose Friends,


As president of the SRNB I am happy to welcome our Rose Friends and especially those who are passionate about of roses.


Our society was created in 1926 by Georges van Oost, who's favorite Roses at the time included the Pernet-Dücher, Golden Sun 1900 and Souvenir de Claudius Pernet 1920 varieties, the first yellow variety.


This success made him aware of the infinite possibilities offered by roses to perfect, through crossings, what breeder could achieve alongside nature in the evolution of roses;

Through exhibitions, publications and conferences the Belgian Rose Society has raised the awareness of this evolution and encouraged the participation of its progress.


Since the very beginning bagatelle's jury member, Georges van Oost met the greatest roses specialists of his time with whom he would collaborate with their common goal: the glorious future of the rose. He was particularly happy and honored to encourage his great friend Victor Lens in his research and to publicize his successes.


Georges van Oost presided over our society until his death in 1957. His daughter Lily de Gerlache who took over from him, in turn maintained with Louis Lens (son of Victor) an extraordinary cooperation of 40 years promoting the rose in Belgium and in the world.


In 2003 it was with great joy that I accepted to take the Presidency of the Society. We are proud to have a Belgian rose from Louis Lens named Pascali among the Hall of Fame.

Founding member of WFRS in 1968, we also have 3 rose gardens which have obtained the label of "Garden of Excellence" and that we are proud to add to the visits.


I am delighted to share my passion for our Belgian roses and pursue the dream of my predecessors to promote the Rose.

Welcome in Belgium in June 2023!


Frans Thomas

President Belgian National and Royal Rose Society



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                         SNRB - Les Amis de la Rose

                            Frans Thomas, President -      29 Jesuitenwegel - 9090 Melle - Belgium


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With the support of WFRS Global Partner and Platinium Sponsor of Rosa Belgica : 


With the support of our partners for this event. (For more info click on the logos)

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Questions about registration and payments? Please contact


Prepared by ROSA BELGICA with the support of Demeures Historiques et Jardins de Belgique and Friends of the Countryside which organizations have access to all the most private and exclusive places of the country

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!! SAFE EVENT- Post Covid 
We will follow the rules and recommendations put in place by the Belgian government. The places where we organize our events and the hotels are doing the same with special care for cleaning.

We highly recommend you to have a vaccination or if you don't feel well at the moment of the events to take necessary precautions as wearing a mask.



Ville du Roeulx

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